Sunday, February 17, 2019

Get All the Tools!

Today President Webb, in Stake Conference, spoke about taking his family up a canyon one recent winter evening.  They got stuck in the snow and couldn’t get out.  No one was near.  It was dark.  He tried digging out with his hands, which wasn’t enough.  He was getting really worried when his son mentioned he had put a shovel in under the seat.  Suddenly his worries evaporated, because he now had the tool to get unstuck.

He went on to talk about making sure you have a current temple recommend, because the temple is where we can be safe.  He said, if you don’t have a recommend, decide if you need a tow truck, and if so, who you need to talk to for that help.  If you only need a shovel, such as setting an appointment, use it, and get unstuck.  While I can’t recall all he said, he likened the value of a shovel or other tool you need, to going to church regularly or other things the Lord asks us to do.  If we aren’t doing those things, when we get stuck, we are at the mercy of the elements, and it could be spiritually life threatening.

We need all of the tools the Lord wants us to have to meet the many challenges we have to face.  We can’t beat them without those tools – church attendance, studying the word of God, daily prayer, service, etc.  Please make sure you have all the tools.  We don’t know what challenges we will face along our journey of life.  We need all the tools we can get, and we need them in good repair.  This is what is meant by making sure we have oil in our lamps.

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