Saturday, December 14, 2019

Zoram, an individual noticed and blessed by God

Watching an animated video about getting the Plates of Brass from Laban, I noticed that Zoram, Laban's servant, is portrayed as a bungling fool.  I was not amused.  I got thinking about it.  Zoram was a trusted servant of Laban, entrusted with all things important to Laban, including the Plates.  He must have been a devout Jew, because in 1 Nephi 4:22 "And he spake unto me concerning the elders of the Jews...." and verse 27 "And he spake unto me many times concerning the elders of the Jews...."

If he had gotten away from Nephi and gone back to Jerusalem, he would likely have been blamed for the death of Laban or at least for the loss of the Plates, since he alone had access to the Plates, and would have been executed.  If not, he would likely have been killed when Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians.  If he were wicked as Laban and many in Jerusalem were, what would it matter if he had been allowed to return to Jerusalem and suffer either of those fates?

Nephi's taking Zoram with them saved his life, which also gave him posterity he would not have had in Jerusalem.  In Jerusalem he was virtually a slave to Laban, a no one of consequence, and would not have been allowed to marry.  He remained loyal to Nephi all his life rather than joining Laman, as the sons of Ishmael did.  It is my belief that Zoram was blessed by the Lord to go with Nephi, because he was righteous, and the Lord knew it as well.

This leads me to my final conclusion.  The Lord knew Zoram individually and saved him, even though he was not a prophet like Lehi.  The Lord also knows each of us individually.  He knows our true desires and efforts.  He will protect, bless, and save us, if we are faithful and do our best to obey Him.  Don't ever think your life or efforts are unnoticed by Him.