Rachel and Caleb brought up an idea that I've been really thinking about today. Alma the Older took the righteous out of the land of wicked King Noah. The Lamanites were allowed to takeover the people of King Limhi due to their wickedness AND the people of Alma despite their being righteous. Their experiences were different however. The people of Limhi, in their pride, fought back and fought back, and fought back until they became sufficiently humbled. They suffered tremendously for their pride and arrogance. The people of Alma, other than having to bear the burdens unjustly placed on them, did not suffer death or wounds, because they humbled themselves and did not fight back. Both were freed eventually.
I don't know where the line is, as to when we need to stand up for freedom, and when we need to submit and let the Lord fight our battles. But I do know that when we trust the Lord, He takes care of us. I myself have done some fighting and some submitting. Again I don't know where the line is. I suppose there is some leeway. Consider what may be coming and that the membership of the Church in the United States is only about 2%. While we shouldn't be lazy or lack courage, let us also be humble enough that we don't have to suffer more than is necessary.