Yesterday at my grandson Nathan’s baptism and confirmation a
young Aaronic priesthood holder gave a talk.
He seemed older than a deacon, but definitely younger than a priest, so
I think he was a teacher. He asked if we
could have anything in this world what would be the most valuable gift. He said it was the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
The prophet Joseph Smith, when asked what the biggest
difference was between this church and the other Christian churches, we said it
was that we had the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
This Aaronic Priesthood boy’s words prompted me to think about what a
treasure this gift is. As mentioned in
the vision of the Tree of Life, we know that in this life mists of darkness
surround us. I thought about a pilot
flying through a dense fog or even a storm.
What would be the most valuable instrument he could have? It would be his radar or radio that could
give him the information he needed to get through the storm safely. This is like the Gift of the Holy Ghost.
Considering what this life is all about – a testing and
learning experience, which will determine options in the next life – more than
all the gold or things we could have in this life, the Gift of the Holy Ghost,
the communicator and source of great strength, would be the most valuable. The Holy Ghost can help us avoid trouble and
mistakes. It can guide us in our
communications with others. It can
strengthen us in difficult times. It can
lead us back home to be with our Heavenly Parents.
It is not something that is just on or off. How much worth it is depends upon our
worthiness and how well we have learned to use it. Lehi and his family had a physical
manifestation of this gift in the Liahona.
It guided them in the wilderness and on the ocean. It worked according to their faithfulness and
their obedience to it. They were not
perfect in using it, as we are not, but by returning to it time and time again,
repenting of their pride, etc., it guided them true to their destination.
How much do we value this priceless gift? Do we value it enough to obey the
commandments for it? Do we value it
enough to humbly repent when we need to, making us worthy to use this
gift? Do we value it enough to learn how
to use it effectively? It is much more
valuable than the most powerful cell phone!
It is more energizing than the strongest battery! It can help us see more clearly than the best
optical devises! With it we can more
accurately see ourselves, our weaknesses and strengths. It can guide us when we cannot see ahead at
all. It will bring us home!