It is in the interest of government to make sure the family
stays together while the children are being raised, and indeed afterward as
well. That is why governments have been
involved, so that once married, they would stay married instead of just dropping
the kids and leaving. Governments did
not allow for no-fault divorces until just lately, because they didn’t want
abandoned children. In fact it was
easier to divorce when only the Church was running things here in Utah, than
after the government took over!
Once contraceptives and the urban lifestyle made children
optional, the “New Morality” took over, promoting the possibility of other
options. As immorality increased between
genders, it also began to increase within the genders. This is then what is putting pressure on
governments to relax the definition of marriage. The people are becoming immoral in increasing
I believe that as homosexual relations are given the favors
given to marriage, family tax breaks and other benefits will be reduced, and
other legislation and business policies passed, that will make raising a family
increasingly difficult, financially and otherwise. That will make polygamy more attractive as
the only possibility, because it will be easier financially and less men will
be available to be a real father, leaving many women who want family unable to
do so without polygamy.